Welcome to the cutting-edge world of Spy-da Music Group / Spy-da Recordings! As pioneers in the music production and recording industry, we transcend traditional boundaries by offering an array of innovative services including Website Development & Design, Photography, and Hosting Services, Music Distribution & Music Publishing in addition to our core mission of bringing music to life.

Since our inception, we’ve continuously evolved, culminating in the release of ground breaking new material crafted over years of dedication and investment. Our journey has been marked by a relentless pursuit of excellence, resulting in a robust infrastructure tailored specifically to Spy-da Recordings and its exceptional artists.

With a solid foundation in place, we’re poised to revolutionise the industry and captivate music enthusiasts worldwide. Our artists, each bringing a distinct blend of emotion and consciousness to the table, are primed to take the world by storm.

For those embarking on this journey with us, rest assured that we set the bar high, driven by a singular vision of success. We believe wholeheartedly in our mission and remain steadfast in our commitment to excellence.

This handbook serves as a guide for all artists and Spy-da Recordings Artists / Personnel, ensuring everyone is equipped with the latest information and expectations as we embark on ground breaking projects. Together, we’re forging a future where creativity knows no bounds, and innovation reigns supreme. Get ready to join us on this thrilling adventure into the future of music!

Step into the realm of innovation with Spy-da Recordings / Spy-da Music Group & Our very own distribution platform! Our suite of cutting-edge services is designed to propel you into the future of creativity and expression.

From high-quality music production and state-of-the-art recording studios to dynamic vocal editing and mesmerising mixing and mastering techniques, we offer everything you need to bring your musical vision to life.

But that’s just the beginning. Immerse yourself in the digital age with our futuristic website design and development services, complete with secure hosting and cloud storage solutions. Safeguard your creations with our advanced mobile file security features, ensuring your work remains protected at all times.

Elevate your brand with captivating graphics and website design, and capture the essence of your journey with our professional photography and video production services.

This is more than just a list of services — it’s a gateway to a limitless world of possibilities. Explore the full spectrum of offerings at Spy-da Music and prepare to embark on a journey into the future of creativity and innovation with us!

Welcome to the realm of secrecy and innovation! At Spy-da Recordings, we take confidentiality to the next level with our Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). This futuristic document ensures that your artistic endeavours remain shrouded in mystery until the perfect moment of reveal.

If you haven’t yet stepped into the clandestine world of the NDA, fear not! Simply let us know, and we’ll whisk you away on a journey into the unknown. Once you’ve embarked on this thrilling adventure, you’ll have 14 days to complete your mission and return your signed NDA.

With the power of secrecy at your fingertips, the possibilities are endless. Unlock the door to a future where your creativity knows no bounds, your ideas are protected, and your dreams become reality. Embrace the excitement of the unknown with our NDA — your gateway to a world of limitless potential.

Step into the future of artistic expression with Spy-da Recordings! To ensure that every artist and team member is equipped to take on the challenges of tomorrow, we require the completion of our cutting-edge application form.

Haven’t had the chance to dive into this thrilling process yet? Fear not! Your journey into the world of Spy-da begins now. Simply follow the link below. All links are in our Discord Community Server.

Your journey to become and artist on Spy-da Recordings / Spy-da Music starts at the link below.

Once you’ve embarked on this exciting adventure, seize the opportunity to showcase your talents and expertise. Return your completed form to us at your next studio session, and let the journey towards a future of boundless creativity begin!

At Spy-da Recordings, we’re not just shaping the future of music, distribution and royalties — we’re shaping the future of YOU. Join us on this exhilarating quest as we push the boundaries of innovation and redefine what it means to be a part of the Spy-da family. Your destiny awaits — Gain Access to the forms and take the first step towards a future filled with endless possibilities!

Your journey to become and artist on Spy-da Recordings / Spy-da Music starts at the link below.

Welcome to the frontier of communication at Spy-da Music Group! As a signed artist, you’ve been granted access to our state-of-the-art email systems, tailored exclusively to fuel your creative journey.

Your personalised email is your key to unlocking a world of possibilities, connecting you with internal and potential external clients on a global scale. But remember, with great power comes great responsibility — our email systems are strictly confidential and reserved for authorised use only.

At Spy-da, we uphold the highest standards of security. If you suspect any unauthorised access to your email account, alert us immediately so we can swiftly take action to safeguard your privacy.

Join us as we propel into the future of communication, where innovation knows no bounds and creativity thrives. Your journey awaits—step into the digital realm of Spy-da Productions today!

Welcome to the future of studio time management at Spy-da Productions! We’re taking your creative process to new heights with our cutting-edge studio accounts system.

Imagine a world where every minute of your studio sessions is meticulously recorded and logged, allowing you to track the progress of each individual project with ease. With access to your own studio time via our SPL Desktop, you’ll have the power to monitor recoupable costs and stay in control of your creative journey like never before.

But that’s not all — we’re constantly evolving to meet the needs of our growing label. It’s crucial that you arrive on time for your sessions, ensuring that every moment in the studio is maximised for creativity and productivity. Should any unforeseen circumstances arise, simply communicate with our studio team ASAP to avoid any potential charges.

Starting April 2024, we’re implementing a new policy to ensure smooth operation of our studio facilities. Failure to inform us of delays or cancellations may result in administrative and studio charges. Remember, your commitment to punctuality is essential to maintaining the integrity of our studio environment.

Stay ahead of the curve with Spy-da Recordings — where innovation meets creativity, and the future of music is in your hands. Welcome to the next generation of studio excellence.

Welcome to the future of personal branding and development at Spy-da Recordings / Spy- da Music! Your artist profiles have been given a futuristic makeover and are now easily accessible across multiple platforms, including our cutting-edge websites and online store.

Explore your revamped profile to discover a treasure trove of content, from captivating bios and stunning images to exhilarating downloads and mesmerising videos. Your online presence has never been more vibrant or dynamic.

But the excitement doesn’t stop there. We’re committed to supporting you every step of the way as we fine-tune the details of your profile. While the final design decisions rest with the label, we’ll work closely with you to ensure that your vision is reflected in every aspect of your online persona.

As we venture into the realm of visual storytelling, we understand the importance of portraying a cohesive and compelling image to the world. Collaboration between artist and label is key, ensuring that every image, look, and style resonates with both parties.

And here’s the best part—no need to worry about the cost of photo shoots! We’ve made the decision to cover the expenses for capturing your essence on camera. However, charges may apply for individual photos and artwork covers used across various media channels, ensuring that the investment in your image is both valuable and worthwhile.

If you’re a recent addition to our label, get ready to strike a pose! We’ll soon be organizing photo shoots to capture your essence and bring your profile to life in vivid detail.

Welcome to the future of personal branding at Spy-da Productions Ltd. Let’s create something extraordinary together!

While we encourage active participation, it’s important to remember to maintain the integrity of our brand. Avoid sharing credential information and wait for the label to confirm final release dates before posting about new releases. This ensures a cohesive and impactful launch strategy that resonates with our audience.

Welcome to the future of social media promotion at Spy-da Recordings—where innovation meets engagement, and every post is a step towards greatness. Let’s make our mark on the digital world together!

Welcome to the future of music distribution at Spy-da Recordings!

Welcome to the future of music consumption at Spy-da Recordings — where innovation meets accessibility, and the possibilities are limitless. Join us on this exciting journey as we redefine the way you experience music.

Welcome to the checklist for success at Spy-da Recordings!

✔️ Contract Signed?

Tick! Your journey officially begins with your signed contract, paving the way for endless opportunities and boundless creativity.

✔️ NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) in Place?

Locked and loaded! Your commitment to confidentiality ensures that our collaborations remain exclusive and cutting-edge.

✔️ Application Form Completed?

Done and dusted! Your details are securely stored, ensuring seamless integration into our dynamic community of artists and creatives.

✔️ C.V. Submitted?

Check! Your professional credentials are on file, showcasing your unique talents and contributions to the Spy-da family.

✔️ Spy-da Email Created?

Check! Your artist email has been created and you have access the mailing system online and on mobile.

But wait, there’s more!

Welcome to the checklist for success at Spy-da Productions!

✔️ DSL Account Created?

Tick! Ensure your DSL Account has been created. All studio times and sessions are logged for recoupment.

✔️ Application Form Completed?

Done and dusted! Your details are securely stored, ensuring seamless integration into our dynamic community of artists and creatives.

✔️ C.V. Submitted?

Check! Your professional credentials are on file, showcasing your unique talents and contributions to the Spy-da family.

But wait, there’s more!

…Publishing Track Listing.

Are you ready to make your mark on the industry? Your track listing is primed for publication, setting the stage for your rise to stardom!

Now, let’s make sure everything’s in order. Have you checked off all the boxes? Your journey to success awaits, and we’re here to guide you every step of the way. Welcome to the future of music at Spy-da Recordings—where innovation meets opportunity, and the possibilities are limitless!